capabilities:  Topics for Contracting, Consulting, and Collaboration

These are example questions I’ve answered for others.  What problem are you trying to solve?  

How can I help you?  

Technology Strategy and Intellectual Property

Grant-funded Research

Let’s collaborate!

Autonomous / Self-driving Vehicles

Benefits of Autonomous Vehicles



Energy Efficiency

Convenience & Time Efficiency

Crash Safety / Occupant Protection

SSL (founded 2022) offers a solution to non-standard seating configurations and crash modes:    

Understanding the Automotive Industry

Other Cool Stuff

product design:  VSR in Collaboration with a meticulous engineering company

Business Consulting:  VSR in Collaboration with a boutique management consulting company

Coaching and Mentoring

Do you work for a mega-company and feel lost or forgotten, or venturing into a startup and feeling overwhelmed?  You need an 'Inuksuk’ to help point the way.

So you're interested in Racing?

DCSUYD - Do Cool Stuff (With Cool People) Until You Die